Staying Healthy & Productive when Working from Home | Manufacturing Growth Programme

COVID-19 pandemic is forcing many companies to enable their employees to work from home. While remote work has been on the rise, people around the world are only just discovering the joy and challenges of working from home.

Here are some simple steps to ensure your experience is as productive and positive as possible:

Assign a dedicated space

Pick a spot in your home (not your bed or the sofa) and make it your official work space. Make it as comfortable as possible with enough light, minimal draft and opportunity to adjust the temperature – try and make it a place you want to be.

Keep to your usual work routine as much as possible

When you were going into work, you wouldn’t roll out of bed, messy hair, un-brushed teeth, in your pj’s and start the day. Continue starting the day right – stretch, meditate, shower, eat breakfast and get dressed for the day ahead.

Keep organised

Schedule everything you want and need to do for the day ahead. Add items to your calendar and update your online status, if you are working on a big task change it to ‘away’ or ‘busy’ to ensure you don’t get disturbed.

Keep in touch – Communicate

Keep in touch with your peers, your employees, your managers, clients and suppliers. Book some time in for a video chat with your peers, it doesnt have to always be about work – keep it lighthearted to tackle loneliness together.

Mental and physcial health

Take regular breaks – go for a walk, have a mini dance party, grab a hot drink, read a journal, taking a short break will help increase your productivity throughout the day.

Exercise and eat healthy – make sure you take some time to exercise. Go for a run, do some yoga or an exercise workout video or if you can, take the dog out for a walk – or perhaps a neighbours. Keep hydrated, not only will this improve brain function but will help if you have any flu like symptoms.

Keep up to date with the Governments guidance for employees, employers and businesses in providing advise about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 here.


For further support and guidance at this time, please contact your local Manufacturing Growth Manager.