Sew Systems Ltd make, design and develop specialised machinery for the textile industry. They have a full engineering manufacturing plant as well as a sewing machine folding-guides and attachments department.
During the time of COVID-19, the business has identified with its sewing and product design knowledge that it can create its own range of facemasks. The business wants to increase their product offerings and potentially reduce the risk of tradition business downturn as business recovers.
To achieve their ambition of creating new products such as facemasks with Class1 medical accreditation, the company decided to invest in new machinery and a clinical manufacturing environment to allow this production to take place. They identified a clean room manufacturing expert who they engaged with to help project manage the growth strategy, identify sales opportunities, and launch the new products from the business.
This new product offering has already led to new staff opportunities within this specialist manufacturing area while the business aims to grow multiple textile-based products for the medical sector.
Sew Systems Ltd acknowledged that their current challenges are mostly around pricing because the market is flooded with cheap imports from China. However, Sew Systems have found that larger companies are interested in a quality, UK manufactured and certified mask for their employees, whereas the general public are far more price driven.
As a result, the company accessed grant funding from the Manufacturing Growth Programme to assist with the new product production. James Bosworth, Manufacturing Growth Manager for the Manufacturing Growth Programme has stated; “Sew systems have utilised their skill set and adaptability to pivot in uncertain times to move into a related skillset market and hopefully prolong the longevity of their business and I am sure will be very successful in this addition to their main stream solution providing business.“
When asked about future aspirations for the business, Dave Mander, Managing Director for Sew Systems Limited replied; “Our plans include expanding our manufacturing operations of face masks to keep up with demand and also looking into complimenting this range with other textile medical products.”
More details on Sew Systems Ltd will be available at