Metals | Manufacturing Growth Programme
Centuries-old Sheffield scissor manufacturer increases their productivity after bringing processes in-house.

Centuries-old Sheffield scissor manufacturer increases their productivity after bringing processes in-house.

William Whiteley & Sons (Sheffield) Limited have been trading for 259 years. Specialising in designing and manufacturing beautifully hand-crafted industrial scissors, the business produces over 250 variations of scissors. Still today, the business has descendants of its founder working with the company with two of the 11th and 12th generation of family members within the management team.

A&M EDM on course for record sales in 15th birthday year

A&M EDM on course for record sales in 15th birthday year

A&M EDM, precision engineering specialist in the Black Country, is on track for record sales with the support from MGP by helping them to identify improvements in marketing activity, strategy and the implementation of a new environmental system.